Murder Mystery Double Feature!
Double your pleasure, double your fun, our next announcement is two mysteries in one!
What’s better than announcing a new murder mystery for the Ravenwood Detective Agency to solve? Why, announcing TWO new murder mysteries, of course!
Return of the Living Dead
First up in this mysterious double feature: the zombies return to Ravenwood! The Night of the Living Dead was one of our most popular mysteries ever. Unfortunately, at the encore presentation every member of the Ravenwood Detective Agency was infected by the zombies. Without a single survivor to continue looking for a cure, it was a fairly safe bet that the zombies would return.
And return they have! Or will, that is, on March 14th and 15th.
Join us for this encore to the encore, and see if you can survive the horde of walking dead!
Murders Outside of Time
It’s hard to top zombies. But we’ve put our heads to it and found a way. The second mystery in our double feature comes via blue police box straight from Gallifrey. The Doctor has a mystery to solve, and is looking for a few new companions.
What Doctor?
The Doctor.
Doctor who?
There are sure to be Daleks, sonic screwdrivers, and perhaps even a weeping angel or two. Join us April 18th and 19th, and solve a mystery in honor of 50 years of Doctor Who.
Bow ties are optional, but of course you’ll want to wear one. Bow ties are cool.
The Details
Tickets for each event are $75 per person, and include Saturday night’s dinner. As with all of our mysteries, the events start with dinner on Friday. Late arrivals will be accommodated as best as possible, but to enjoy the full experience please attempt to arrive early Friday evening.
Please note: while the announcement of these mysteries is a double feature, the events themselves are separate. While you’ll certainly want to attend both weekends, it is perfectly acceptable to attend just one, and of course a ticket for one event does not grant admission to the other.