Graveyards, Ghosts & Haunted Houses Release Party – Sept 4th & 5th
One of our favorite things here at Ravenwood Castle is putting on awesome events for our guests. Another is introducing our guests to great games. Like chocolate and peanut butter, these two amazing things go even better together!
So I’m thrilled to announce that Ravenwood Castle will be hosting a weekend long release party for Graveyards, Ghosts & Haunted Houses, the newest game from Rather Dashing Games.
Graveyards, Ghosts & Haunted Houses is the sequel to Rather Dashing Games’ popular tile laying game Pirates, Ninjas, Robots & Zombies. While the mechanics that made its predecessor so much fun are certainly present, Graveyards introduces a few unique twists.
The game also capitalizes on a not-so-well guarded secret: Rather Dashing’s Vice President and Art Director is none other than Grant Wilson, best known from the hit SyFy show Ghost Hunters. “We’re so happy that the right project presented itself,” said game designer and Rather Dashing President Mike Richie, “we’ve wanted to do a ghost themed game for years.”
If there’s one thing we know about here at Ravenwood, its theme, so you can be sure that this weekend will be dripping with it! In addition to three days and two nights of board games, guests will enjoy a variety of role playing games, a themed dinner complete with performance by Rough Magic (creators of our popular Edgar Allan Poe dinner show!), a costume contest to be judged by Wilson and Richie, a performance by noted paranormal illusionist Aiden Sinclair, and a discussion with Richie and Wilson on Ghost Hunting and Game Design.
So join us for the Graveyards, Ghosts & Haunted Houses Release Party, and help us welcome Rather Dashing’s newest game into the world!
Tickets for the weekend are $100, and include Saturday night dinner, access to all scheduled events, and a gift bag containing goodies such as a signed copy of “Graveyards, Ghosts & Haunted Houses”, a signed copy of Grant Wilson’s album “1.618” and a copy of “Brotherhood of the Strange”, a novel written by Wilson and Richie.
To purchase tickets, reserve your room through the “Reservation” button in the upper right of this page. Tickets will be the first add on package in the second step of the reservation process.