Hoop & Stick Con 2016!
In the last few weeks we’ve enjoyed Con in the Castle 2015 and the ultimate gaming convention, GenCon. Needless to say, the Ravenwood Castle team is in a bit of a convention spirit, which makes this a great time to announce our next gaming convention: the fourth annual Hoop & Stick Convention!
Hoop & Stick Con 2016 will be held Thursday February 25th through Sunday February 28th. Four days and three nights of gaming goodness, in a castle, for charity. It really doesn’t get better than this!
We are looking forward to the return of Colby Dauch and Isaac Vega from Plaid Hat Games as our Guests of Honor. Although they’ve recently moved their headquarters to Texas, they will be flying back in to join us for Hoop & Stick. They apparently just can’t get enough of our Ohio winters!
Plaid Hat will be demoing some of their many hits and will be sharing their most recent prototypes with us. And if we know them, they will likely be getting into a rousing game of Fiasco! or two as well.
The schedule will feature many role playing sessions, including Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Star Wars Edge of the Empire or Force and Destiny. The latter will be GMed by the Malted Meeple’s Head Game Master and former Ravenwood Castle innkeeper, Karington Hess.
At last year’s convention we raised $7,715 for Child’s Play. As always, we are setting ourselves an aggressive goal this year, and are aiming to exceed last year. Can we hit $10,000? With your help, I think we can! For details on Child’s Play, and why we support it, check out our previous blog post, It’s As Easy As Child’s Play.
So join us February 25th through February 28th, and enjoy four days of great gaming for a great cause!
Are you interested in helping out? We are in the process of lining up sponsors and donors for Hoop & Stick 2016. If you would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities or make a donation for the silent auction, please contact us at hoopandstick@ravenwoodcastle.com