We’re On the Convention Road Again!
Our annual convention season kicked off last weekend at OddMall in Akron, Ohio. Several members of the Ravenwood Castle and Malted Meeple teams spent the weekend chatting with guests at the self-proclaimed Emporium of the Weird.
But don’t worry if you missed us at OddMall. We’ll be on the road quite a bit this summer, and visiting some great conventions. If you’re in the area and have an opening in your calendar, we strongly recommend these shows – they’re all a great time!
June 15th – 19th Origins Game Fair
Columbus, Ohio
Where Gaming Begins.
We have an extra large booth this year. We will be using the space to showcase some of the great indie game designers who have taken part in the Malted Meeple’s Professor Meeple’s Game Lab program. Stop by and see us in booth 637, chat about Ravenwood Castle and the Malted Meeple, and demo some great new games!
July 8th – 9th OddMall Backyard Bash
Hudson, Ohio
If it’s fun, artsy, geeky, crafty or odd, chances are it can be found at Oddmall. It’s the Emporium of the Weird. This new addition to the OddMall schedule takes place right across the street from the Malted Meeple, so you know we’ll be there in some form!
July 15th – 17th – Con in the Castle 2016
Ravenwood Castle!
Our Guest of Honor for Con in the Castle 2016 is SlugFest Games! There are only a few rooms left, so hurry and make your reservations for some great gaming, in a castle!
August 3rd – 7th GenCon 2016
Indianapolis, Indiana
The Best Four Days In Gaming. Enough said.
Note: We will not have a booth at GenCon, but will be wandering the show floor. Stop us and say hi!
We always have fun at these conventions, whether we are running a booth or just wandering around the show floor. The best part is seeing our friends and guests, and meeting new friends. Check out these great conventions, and be sure to stop by our booth or stop us on the show floor and say hello!